Papi why is it that it’s only whenyou are sick, laying on a hospital bed,
that you allow me to caress your face?
Why is it that it's only when youwear a catheter that you can receive touch?
Do you only receive touch throughpain?
¿Papi porque eres tan fuerteconmigo?
Aren't you as strong as my softnesscan be?
Why is it that you stop listening tome before I speak?
It is only when you listen, that Ispeak with conviction
It is only when you allow yourselfto be soft
that I am happy to be yourdaughter.
It is only when you are like mamithat I can love you.
I kiss your forehead and you smile
your shy broken smile, that I've seen so many men carry
a smile that is scared of life andangry
a smile that rather hide than risk feeling
but it is only when you are like papi that I know how to love you.
This piece was published on La Galeria Magazine at